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Origins Passing all CWVs

Number of Origins

Month/Year 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 03/24 04/24 05/24 06/24 07/24 08/24

Origins by month line chart. The data is: 2068, 2126, 2128, 2176, 2172, 2144 origins for the months 03/24, 04/24, 05/24, 06/24, 07/24, 08/24.

Origins passing all CWV

% of origins Month/Year 0 20 40 60 80 100 03/24 04/24 05/24 06/24 07/24 08/24 82.2 81.8 82.9 84.5 85.1 87.7

Origins Passing All Core Web Vitals bar chart. The data is: 82.2, 81.8, 82.9, 84.5, 85.1, 87.7% passing for the months 03/24, 04/24, 05/24, 06/24, 07/24, 08/24.

Loading Speed Metrics

Time to First Byte (TTFB)

% of origins Month/Year 0 20 40 60 80 100 03/24 04/24 05/24 06/24 07/24 08/24 85.5 83.6 84.2 84 82.7 86

TTFB bar chart. The data is: 85.5, 83.6, 84.2, 84, 82.7, 86% of origins passing for the months 03/24, 04/24, 05/24, 06/24, 07/24, 08/24.

First Contentful Paint (FCP)

% of origins Month/Year 0 20 40 60 80 100 03/24 04/24 05/24 06/24 07/24 08/24 90.2 90.2 88.8 90.3 90.4 92.2

FCP bar chart. The data is: 90.2, 90.2, 88.8, 90.3, 90.4, 92.2% of origins passing for the months 03/24, 04/24, 05/24, 06/24, 07/24, 08/24.

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

% of origins Month/Year 0 20 40 60 80 100 03/24 04/24 05/24 06/24 07/24 08/24 90.8 91.3 89.4 90.4 91.7 93.4

LCP bar chart. The data is: 90.8, 91.3, 89.4, 90.4, 91.7, 93.4% of origins passing for the months 03/24, 04/24, 05/24, 06/24, 07/24, 08/24.

Other Web Vitals Metrics

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

% of origins Month/Year 0 20 40 60 80 100 03/24 04/24 05/24 06/24 07/24 08/24 96.7 97.2 96.8 97.2 97.1 97.5

CLS bar chart. The data is: 96.7, 97.2, 96.8, 97.2, 97.1, 97.5% of origins passing for the months 03/24, 04/24, 05/24, 06/24, 07/24, 08/24.

Interaction to Next Paint (INP)

% of origins Month/Year 0 20 40 60 80 100 03/24 04/24 05/24 06/24 07/24 08/24 85.7 83.8 88 89.4 88.8 90.8

INP bar chart. The data is: 85.7, 83.8, 88, 89.4, 88.8, 90.8% of origins passing for the months 03/24, 04/24, 05/24, 06/24, 07/24, 08/24.

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