
This site was built to better inform Shopify merchants and theme developers about theme performance. The goals are:

About the data

All of the data reported here is publicly available through HTTPArchive and the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) via BigQuery. Information about whether a website is on Shopify and which theme it uses comes from HTTPArchive. That data is then joined with CrUX to obtain real-user performance metrics from sessions in Chrome browsers. You can find and review the query in this site's source code.

About the creator

This site was built and is maintained by Sia Karamalegos, a freelance Web Performance Engineer and Consultant. She is also a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies, an international conference speaker, and an active tech community organizer.

She worked at Shopify for two years, helping to build their web performance consulting services, building the Shopify performance site, and implementing performance improvements to the platform such as adding section.index and default lazy-loading to the Liquid API to improve LCP performance.

If you're struggling with performance, Sia is available to help. Contact Sia today to get started.

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